Well, I am a little over the half way mark for my stay in London, and I can proudly say that I have learned so much about the culture in such a short period of time.
Before arriving to London, I had a few expectations about the lifestyle. I thought British food would be awful, Londoners only drink tea, the British people are standoffish, and that it would rain all the time, let me tell you, I was soooo wrong.
British food is not awful, there is too much of a variety of food for it to be awful. You can find anything from Indian curry to Fish n chips to a hot dog. Some of the best places to have lunch? The local markets! Walking around the markets with a nice baked good in my hand while browsing at other foods on display is one of my favorite activities to do in London. BUT, I will say this...the Mexican food here is not like at home; nothing like home. My friends and I bought guacamole from the store and it looked like this:
I question myself and ask if there are actual avocados in this plastic, squeezable bottle.
One of the many markets in London. |
I don't know what this is, but it was so delicious!! |
Londoners only drink tea. Once again, I was wrong...I find that more people drink coffee here than tea. It seems that every other shop I walk past is a coffee shop. One of my favorite places to have coffee is a modern, hipster independent coffee shop called "Shoreditch Grind."
So far, I have had some of the best experiences with the British people. The other day while I was waiting for my bus, I had a conversation with man and I discovered that he recently visited America, so I asked him, "What do you miss most about America?" His response-"the CORN MUFFINS!!" He doesn't miss the warm weather? Beaches? Mexican food? Cute American girls? But he misses the corn muffins?! Are you serious? I couldn't help, but laugh out loud. The locals are actually quite funny and always willing to help.
As for my assumption about the rain, I discovered that the weather is absolutely unpredictable. For the first 4 weeks, London was nothing but sunshine. Flo even joked that Jay and I (the Californians) packed the sun in our suitcases and brought it to London. Now, as Autumn is taking its course, it does rain, but not for very long. Sometimes it will pour for 20 minutes while other time the clouds will sprinkle for 5 mins, it all depends on how God is feeling that day. I used to check my weather app everyday, but now, I see no point.
Jumping in the puddles on my way to school. |
Somedays, I forget that I am in London because it feels like home. I am a Londoner now and I have never been happier.